Autonomous Wheelchair
Wheelchair AMR: Key Features
✓ 100% Made in USA (Sunrise Medical)
✓ Custom Designed for Airport & Hospital PRM Services
✓ World’s Most Popular Ultra-Heavy Duty Powered Chair
✓ No Visual Tags or Beacons
✓ FDA Certified Chair
✓ Local Service & Support
✓ Smallest Footprint for Storage & Agility

8 Exclusive Breakthroughs
1. Predictive Collision Rapid Response (PCRR)
Novel technology that allows our navigation system to provide rapid evasive reactions to obstacles faster than competitive systems.
Cyberworks Robotics: Our improved perception runs at 10 Hz enabling faster evasive reactions to obstacles, reducing reaction time by up to 50%, drastically improving operational safety and minimizes collision risks in dynamic environments.
Competitive Alternatives: Slower reaction time with an average update rate of 2 Hz.

2. Visual Initial Orientation Referencing (VIOR)
No need for physical markers! Our novel computer vision Machine Learning technology eliminates the need for placing visual markers in the building to establish the initial orientation of an AMR.
Cyberworks Robotics: Cyberworks proprietary technology makes sure the initial position and orientation of the robot is correct and doesn’t rely on any external visual makers like april tags.
Competitive Alternatives: Requires placing visual markers which can be lost or misplaced and limits the number of localization spots.

3. Complex Crowd Navigation (CCN)
Navigate through highly dynamic crowded environments!
Cyberworks Robotics: Cyberworks’ seamless integration of perception, navigation and control enables robots to handle dynamic, crowded environment with ease.
Competitive Alternatives: Competitive navigation stacks have difficulty handling highly dynamic situations resulting in Stop-and-Go or unpredictable behaviours.

4. Transient Anomaly Recovery (TAR)
Automatically detects and recovers from transient signal failures (like loose connections or intermittent sensors).​
Cyberworks Robotics: Cyberworks TAR’ works in the background, monitoring metrics of the system to ensure all system’s parameters are in the expected range. Upon detection, failures gets classified while TAR automatically recovers the robot when possible.
Competitive Alternatives: Not available.

5. Predictive Failure Blackbox Recorder (PFBR)
An “aircraft style” blackbox recorder that capturing transient or intermittent failures to aid in rapid repairs.​
Cyberworks Robotics: Cyberworks’ PFBR records all relevant information upon transient or intermittent failures occurring for rapid repairs by the support team.
Competitive Alternatives: Not available.

6. Autonomous to Manual Toggling (AMT)
Switch from Full Self-Driving to Smart Manual ADAS Modes on-the-fly.​
Cyberworks Robotics: Let the user take control! Our smart obstacle detection system actively prevent collisions during manual navigation, while our interface continuously guides the user toward the goal throughout the entire process.
Competitive Alternatives: This capability is not available in competitive systems while conventional stacks do not offer smart manual control with collision prevention and directional guidance.

7. Light Artifact Rejection Technology (LART)
Sophisticated machine vision algorithms allow operation in areas of intense reflected light which causes competitive technologies to become confused by “false obstacles”.​
Cyberworks Robotics: Our multi-level post-processing filtering for LiDAR and depth cameras are optimized for real-world applications to counter intense reflections of direct sunlight.
Competitive Alternatives: Limited to the filtering available by the sensor’s processing unit which can’t handle intense reflected light and creates false obstacles.

8. Edge-Case Anomaly Shield (ECAS)
Integration of over two dozen cutting-edge technology innovations, drastically reducing common autonomous navigation edge-case failures.​
Cyberworks Robotics: Under 0.005 anomalous interventions per hour in a reference test setting at GRR airport.
Competitive Alternatives: Compared to an average of 1 intervention per hour using competitive or open source navigation stacks.

Cyberworks Fleet Management

Real-Time Fleet Monitoring: Monitor and control your fleet's activities in real-time, ensuring optimal performance and responsiveness.
Task Management: Easily assign cleaning routes and destinations to your fleet.
Cross-Platform Accessibility: Accessible on both desktop and mobile devices for seamless management on the go.
Comprehensive Analytics: Gain insights into fleet productivity through detailed statistics and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) reports.
Map Management: Customize your fleet's operational environment with features like virtual walls, no-go zones, slow zones and more…
User Permissions & Role Management: Manage user access and permissions, empowering your team with tailored feature access.
3rd Party Integration: Integrate 3rd party system easily using our REST API.